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K1s Terminal

K1s Terminal rethinks the Kubernetes experience from a developer's perspective, making it more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for developers of all skill levels. It is a powerful, user-friendly interface for managing Kubernetes applications, built with modern technologies like React and TypeScript. It is designed to be easy to use whether you're a Kubernetes novice or an experienced cluster administrator.

K1s is a Kubernetes platform that allows you to quickly get to grips with the technology without the tough process of installation and configuration. K1sT is a terminal that is natively integrated with Kubernetes and cloud-native tools, making it a friendly, readable, color-coded, and interactive output for the kubectl command. It is a terminal that facilitate the navigation through the Kubernetes resources easily, making it the ultimate tool for streamlining your workflow and improving your career path.

kubectl Verbs

Kubernetes API and kubectl support several verbs that correspond to different actions on resources. Here are the most commonly used ones:

  • get: Retrieve one or more resources. This verb is equivalent to a GET request in HTTP.
  • list: Retrieve a list of resources. This verb is equivalent to a GET request in HTTP.
  • watch: Watch for changes to a particular resource or set of resources in real time.
  • create: Create a new resource. This verb is equivalent to a POST request in HTTP.
  • update: Update an existing resource. This verb is equivalent to a PUT request in HTTP.
  • patch: Update one or more fields of an existing resource. This verb is equivalent to a PATCH request in HTTP.
  • delete: Remove a resource. This verb is equivalent to a DELETE request in HTTP.
  • deletecollection: Remove a collection of resources. This verb is equivalent to a DELETE request in HTTP.

These verbs are used in the context of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to define permissions for different roles. For example, a role might be allowed to get, list, and watch pods, but not create, update, patch, or delete them.

K1sT implements these verbs in a user-friendly way, making it easy to interact with Kubernetes resources and manage your applications. In the roadmap, we are planning to add more features to make the terminal even more powerful and user-friendly, keep an eye on the release notes for the latest updates.